Saturday, April 30, 2011

San Francisco Charms

Golden Gate Bridge from the Presidio ©Kat Elliott
I'm spending a lovely weekend (indoors unfortunately) in San Francisco this weekend. It's the 2011 SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival Main Jury! We've gathered some great folks from throughout the computer graphics, animation and visual effects industry and asked them to judge over 600 submissions - in one weekend! 

ILM's Yoda Fountain ©Kat Elliott
We've set up shop at the beautiful Industrial Light + Magic campus on the Presidio. Thanks to our wonderful hosts for a great tour of the facility!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had some good weather! It was all cloudy when I was there for AM grad... of course, I didn't have much time to do touristy things anyway. Have fun at ILM!
